Our Services
The notion of internal and external communication is converging. Today, an internal announcement may become an “external announcement” only in a few hours. The way that a company communicates
with the outer world is directly interrelated with its internal mentality. If the message isn’t the “brand”
of e.g. an employee through his twitter page or his blog, inconsistency will be revealed very soon. Communication strategies can succeed or fail, according to the way internal communication is handled.
efrata considers very important the correct understanding of any internal PR action. We help our clients develop internal communication tactics, in order to communicate a key- message in the employees
or to identify those employees who will participate in external communication programs.
Internal communications services include:
Internal research
Social media policies
Internal communication Campaigns
Corporate videos
The notion of internal and external communication is converging. Today, an internal announcement may become an “external announcement” only in a few hours. The way that a company communicates with the outer world is directly interrelated with its internal mentality. If the message isn’t the “brand” of e.g. an employee through his twitter page or his blog, inconsistency will be revealed very soon. Communication strategies can succeed or fail, according to the way internal communication is handled.
efrata considers very important the correct understanding of any internal PR action. We help our clients develop internal communication tactics, in order to communicate a key- message in the employees or to identify those employees who will participate in external communication programs.
Internal communications services include:
Internal research
Social media policies
Internal communication Campaigns
Corporate videos